Yummy guacamole. Always a hit and actually quite simple to make.
Let’s start with a disclaimer as to the amount of each ingredient. I just eyeball it, so my guacamole tastes a bit different every time—sometimes heavier on the garlic, sometimes more oniony, sometimes saltier. And of course, there are hundreds of varieties of guacamole you can try using various spices and your own secret
ingredients. But here’s generally how I make my guacamole, and it’s a big hit every time.
4 large avocados
1/4 cup red onion, diced
1/4 cup mild green chilies, diced
1/4 cup tomato skins, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
Lime juice, to taste (start with half a lime)
Salt, to taste (start with 1/4 teaspoon)
With guacamole you don’t want the juicy pulp of the tomato, just the skin and a little flesh. I generally use Roma tomatoes because I like the flavor. Slice off the ends and cut the tomato in half lengthwise. Then using a large flat edge knife, separate the skin from the pulp of the tomato. Pop the wonderful juicy pulp center into your mouth and enjoy as you repeat with the second half. Then chop the skins.

I generally buy my chilies canned and diced and drain them in a small strainer.

When I made this batch of guacamole, I suddenly discovered I was out of fresh garlic. What?! After the panic subsided, I used freeze dried garlic and soaked it for a minute in a bit of the juice of the chilies. It was okay, but I definitely prefer fresh garlic.

There are many ways to slice an avocado, but my go-to method when making guacamole is to make small slits lengthwise and then crosswise and scoop out with a large spoon. Since I like my guacamole chunky, this makes the avocado bits the perfect size.

Then I mix all the ingredients and give it a good stir until it’s creamy (but still chunky) and all the flavors are well mixed. I taste
it—but of course!—and then add whatever I think it needs more of (salt, onion, garlic, lime). Then I taste it again… and again… and again… until I remind myself I made it for other people, too.

The meat of an avocado turns brown when exposed to oxygen, so if you are not serving your guacamole immediately, put one or two of the pits in the bowl and cover with plastic wrap, smoothing the wrap directly onto the surface of the guacamole to keep as little as possible exposed to the air.

With all the health conscious people these days, I generally offer veggie sticks for dipping in the guacamole in addition to tortilla chips. But the tortilla chips still run out much faster.
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